''Rurouni Kenshin: Reflection'', known as in Japan, is the second OVA series of the ''Rurouni Kenshin'' anime television series, acting as its sequel. It was directed by Kazuhiro Furuhashi and written by Reiko Yoshida, and was released in Japan in 2001. The OVA series is set both during and after the timeline of the television series and tells of Kenshin and Kaoru's later days, much of which is not derived from the ''Rurouni Kenshin'' manga. It is mostly told from the point of view of Kamiya Kaoru. The story follows Himura Kenshin as he attempts searching for ways to atone for those who died at his hands, while Kaoru waits for Kenshin to return home. Kenshin's actions, however, alienate him from his estranged son, Kenji. ''Reflection'' was originally released in North America as ''Samurai X: Reflection'' while it was being licensed by ADV Films. ''Rurouni Kenshin: Reflection'' is now licensed by Aniplex of America for English-language releases. ''Reflection'' was released in the United States by ADV Films on DVD on March 25, 2003, while a Director's Cut edition was later released.〔(【引用サイトリンク】title=Samurai X: Reflection (DVD) )〕〔(【引用サイトリンク】title=Samurai X: Reflection - Director's Cut (DVD) )〕 ''Rurouni Kenshin: Reflection'' was released on Blu-ray Disc by Aniplex of America on September 21, 2011. ''Rurouni Kenshin: Reflection'' has received mixed reviews upon its release. Critics have praised the art, animation and music of the series but have criticised its story and character development. ==History== Unlike the first 4-part OVA series which was a prequel to the TV series (and was addressed in flashbacks during the manga), Reflection is based in part on the final arc of the manga, usually called the "Revenge" arc. It follows after the Kyoto arc that ended in volume 18 which included Shishio Makoto and the Juppongatana. In this sense, the OVA adaptations are the reverse of the manga because the manga told the prequel as a flashback in the final arc in real time, but the OVAs tell the prequel in real time and the final arc as a flashback. In the manga, the prequel flashback took place in the midst of encounters with "The Six Comrades". It initiates in volumes 18 and ends with the manga at volume 28. The prequel with Tomoe was based on the 14-part "Remembrance" (which ran between 165 and 179) in volumes 19-21. It is essential to understand the final arc, and thus the first OVAs are essential (much as the TV series is) to understanding OVAs 5 and 6 which compose Reflection, for those who have not read the manga. Reflection is a very condensed version, as it focuses only on Kenshin's battle with Enishi, and it does not feature the Six Comrades or Kenshin's teammates' confrontations with them. The Kyoto and Revenge arcs are the same length (10 volumes) in the manga, and the television adaptation of the Kyoto arc took 35 episodes. While the Tomoe flashback was very detailed and of comparable size (4 OVAs to condense under 2 volumes of material) the rest of the final arc (the actual sequel to the Kyoto arc) was shortened to an extreme degree. This may be that what we are seeing is simply limited amounts of what Kaoru is able to remember, from her perspective, rather than a first person witnessing of things which is the context that the television series, movie and first 4 OVAs took. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Rurouni Kenshin: Reflection」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク